The Root of the Matter…

The call was strong.

It had been pulling me for a while and finally I took the plunge and made my way to the Root Chakra of the planet which is located in Mount Shasta, California. There were numerous personal aspects converging to allow me to make this journey possible. The icing on this delicious cake (journey) was a reason to reconnect with dear friends.

Only a couple days before I left for this trip, I randomly opened a long, neglected book on energy, Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber, MD. Soon I realised this was not so random as pages around the chakras came to the fore. I have been learning about the chakras over the past few years, as energy vortex systems located within in our bodies, and now this book was piquing my interest. Having come across this concept of there being places on the planet that represent the chakras system I found this to be a very positive sign to read further. Gerber also mentions The Lemurians, an ancient, sophisticated race that were based around Mount Shasta (a time before plate tectonics transformed it to what we see today). He shares their impact on the Atlantian people who eventually brought this civilisation to an unfortunate ending and I somehow feel like I have been sent an invitation from the universe to find out more!

I pack light and I dream big.

I was not disappointed. The power of this mountain range is difficult to put into words. We had found a perfect, humble cabin on the edge of Lake Siskiyou with the magnificence of this structure captivating our panorama, inside and outwardly. We swam, hiked and listened. I had micro naps as I didn’t want to miss too much of this energy spot and found an instrumental playlist called Lemurian Light Codes which beautifully matched the desire to feel comforted and inspired by this magical landscape.

So, what does it all mean?

Well, if we explore what the Root Chakra describes it may indicate what this place was showing me. The root or base chakra is said to be located around the base of the spine. Physically it represents our lower body and energetically is indicative of feeling secure, grounded and safe. Earth is the element that echoes this system along with the colour red (vermillion).

Part of my interest in the chakras came about through pain. When the body suffers, we have no choice but to stop and take note of why, how and for how long will this be occurring? I had a lower back injury 7 years previously and some pain had started to resurface a couple weeks before I made this trip. Flare ups had become less frequent over the years but each time I needed to broaden my approach to understand the ‘root’ of the issue. Was I still having issues regarding my own sense of feeling grounded? Of belonging? Did I feel safe and secure? Was I treating my body with enough respect and diligently valuing what I know is best for me? This adventure was showing me there is still more to explore and as I opened up to the view I could feel its energy reward me in numerous ways.

Something happened which disturbed my sense of safety. It was triggered by someone. A darkness had taken over and we were both consumed. An entwined, intermingled reliance where both sides sought something fierce. One of us looked inwards and purged an emotional release (which seemed to be calling upon past lives, past grievances perhaps). The other one of us looked outward towards the environment, the sounds of the wind and the creatures without faces and found something new. While looking outwards and upwards there was an urge to feel something more than comfort. I felt the sensation of swimming in the lake had returned and the horizon line was not outside the body, but it was sought within. Whatever fear had been alerted there was nowhere else to go and the answer came in the form of a ‘spirit level’. The internal horizon had sought balance and was it Spirit that responded? There was a conjuring of energy that found a steadying resonance through multiple chakra areas. It settled on a blue-ish colour and calmness was gently restored.

I still contemplate the ‘truth’ of this experience and reflect on the possible fantastical psychosomatic unfolding. The means of understanding is less pertinent to me as the feelings of surrendering and trusting in something vast and elusive are more rewarding. I have doubted my ability to share this story as it awakens much of my sense of vulnerability. Yet the desire to share how we can all find healing, hope, understanding pushes me to engage with this egoic fear and celebrate these learnings. Is it through travel, nature, family and friends that we find more of ourselves? I open up to more adventures of the soul and wonder where, internally and externally, I will enhance my ongoing quest of deep listening to that ‘spirit level’, that inner call, the innervessence!
